If you slack off, it is irresponsible to evade, the consequences would be unthinkable, not envisaged.
如果你懈怠, 那就是不负责任的推脱, 后果不堪设想, 也无须设想.
——期刊摘选Slack off those ropes there ; there's a storm coming!
把那里的绳索放松, 暴风雨就要来了!
《简明英汉词典》Don't slack off in your studies.
《现代汉英综合大词典》It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.
《简明英汉词典》Actually, many students slack off during the projects and barely slip by.
其实,这样的“课题研究”, 不少学生也都是应付了事的.
互联网After intense work in the summer, we'll be slack off now.
夏季紧张的工作过后, 我们现在放松了.
期刊摘选Since when do you need a doctor's note to slack off?
电影对白It's natural slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.
期刊摘选You can slack off after school is out for the summer.
期刊摘选I wish it were holiday all the time, so I could always slack off.
我真希望每天都是节日, 这样天天都可以悠闲了.
期刊摘选The ropes of the tent are too tight. Slack off a little!
帐蓬的绳子太紧了, 放松一点!
辞典例句Make sure you stay focused at work and don't slack off.
期刊摘选The snow didn't slack off for 36 hours.
期刊摘选As soon as the public mood become clear, organized pressures began to slack off somewhat.
一旦人们清楚地看出公众的心情, 有组织的压力就开始多少缓和下来.
辞典例句Slack off / up as youapproach the junction.
辞典例句Do not slack off in your studies.
期刊摘选Look busy while you slack off or play games.
期刊摘选As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decreases.
一旦你开始松懈, 他们的满意和动力就会下降.
期刊摘选It's natural to slack off towards end of a had day's work.
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